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Alan Boyce Cuts Down His Marijuana Plants After Orders From Sheriff's Detectives, September 1977 Photographer: Cecil Lockard

Alan Boyce Cuts Down His Marijuana Plants After Orders From Sheriff's Detectives, September 1977 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, August 31, 1977
Alan Boyce is shown carrying a giant-size marijuana plant from his experimental garden near a cottage on North Lake in Dexter Township Friday. Boyce volunteered to cut down his crop after Sheriff's Detective Lt. Harold Owings Jr. and Detective William Mulholland appeared at his door. Boyce, who told officers he is a botanist, grows oversized vegetables through a special fertilizer he says he created. The marijuana plants towered over six-foot-high corn and nearby trees. A truck load of the illegal drug was carted from the North Lake site. Lt. Owings said he will confer with the county prosecutor but it does not appear Boyce can be charged. The officer said it would be difficult to prove Boyce intended to sell or use the marijuana.