Mrs. Peter B. Olmsted and Mrs. David Sobrepena at St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, October 1970 Photographer: Cecil Lockard
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, October 28, 1970
Church Women Pose Mrs. Peter B. Olmsted, Church Women United World Community Day chairman, and Mrs. David Sobrepena (in Filipino dress) pose on the steps of St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, host church for Friday's activities. The women will focus on the international dimensions and importance of education at the city-wide meeting next week.
Ann Arbor News, October 28, 1970
Church Women Pose Mrs. Peter B. Olmsted, Church Women United World Community Day chairman, and Mrs. David Sobrepena (in Filipino dress) pose on the steps of St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, host church for Friday's activities. The women will focus on the international dimensions and importance of education at the city-wide meeting next week.
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Mrs. Thomas Caless, Mrs. Ralph W. Lenz, and Mrs. Lee E. Danielson Rehearse Human Rights Drama, November 1965 Photographer: Doug Fulton
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, November 2, 1965
Human Rights Drama Rehearsing their roles as the king and serf in the drama "Cavalcade of Human Rights" to be featured during World Community Day Friday are Mrs. Thomas Caless (from left) and Mrs. Ralph W. Lenz, under the direction of Mrs. Lee E. Danielson. The event, being sponsored by the United Church Women, will be held at the Congregational Church. Mrs. Ernest Nicolaides is chairman of the public event.
Ann Arbor News, November 2, 1965
Human Rights Drama Rehearsing their roles as the king and serf in the drama "Cavalcade of Human Rights" to be featured during World Community Day Friday are Mrs. Thomas Caless (from left) and Mrs. Ralph W. Lenz, under the direction of Mrs. Lee E. Danielson. The event, being sponsored by the United Church Women, will be held at the Congregational Church. Mrs. Ernest Nicolaides is chairman of the public event.
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Zion Lutheran Church Women Decorate for World Community Day Breakfast, November 1964 Photographer: Doug Fulton
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, November 2, 1964
Select Community Day Theme Focus of the World Community Day breakfast Friday will be "The Women's Touch." Decorating Zion Lutheran Church for the event are (from left) Mrs. E. J. Royce, Mrs. Armand Hewett and Mrs. Ernest Nicolaides. Mrs. Kenneth Boulding will be guest speaker. Mrs. Ralph Lenz is chairman of the affair.
Ann Arbor News, November 2, 1964
Select Community Day Theme Focus of the World Community Day breakfast Friday will be "The Women's Touch." Decorating Zion Lutheran Church for the event are (from left) Mrs. E. J. Royce, Mrs. Armand Hewett and Mrs. Ernest Nicolaides. Mrs. Kenneth Boulding will be guest speaker. Mrs. Ralph Lenz is chairman of the affair.
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Mrs. Lauris Eek, Mrs. Orrin L. Inbody, and Mrs. Phillip S. Jones preparing for World Community Day at the First Baptist Church, October 1963 Photographer: Eck Stanger
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, October 24, 1963
Promoting World Friendship: Mrs. Lauris Eek (left), general chairman of the local observance of World Community Day set by the United Church Women for Nov 1, received layettes and friendship packets, such as those which will be collected at the observance from Mrs. Orrin L. Inbody (center) and Mrs. Phillip S. Jones (right). Mrs. Jones is holding flags of some of the United Nations countries to which many of the packets will be sent. The First Baptist Church is the meeting site.
Ann Arbor News, October 24, 1963
Promoting World Friendship: Mrs. Lauris Eek (left), general chairman of the local observance of World Community Day set by the United Church Women for Nov 1, received layettes and friendship packets, such as those which will be collected at the observance from Mrs. Orrin L. Inbody (center) and Mrs. Phillip S. Jones (right). Mrs. Jones is holding flags of some of the United Nations countries to which many of the packets will be sent. The First Baptist Church is the meeting site.
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