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Pioneer High School Football Team Alumni, October 1985 Photographer: Colleen Fitzgerald

Pioneer High School Football Team Alumni, October 1985 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, October 23, 1985
Twelve former varsity athletes from the Ann Arbor High football team of 1965 which has a 7-1 record and was rated sixth in the state by AP, recently attended a reunion: (front row) Ed Oxley, Robin Brier, Tom Knight, George Metzner, Dale Leslie, Jim Lutz; (back row) Jamie Buhr, Bill Fraumann, Tim Wadhams, Eugene Smith, Tom Weinmann, Steve Towery. Others from the team who were at the reunion were Dave Dean, Jim Dick, Mark Carrow, Ken Westerman, Doug Kline, Tom Wilkins, and Fred Smith.