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Honor Room War Stamp Flag, St. Thomas School, January 1943

Honor Room War Stamp Flag, St. Thomas School, January 1943 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, January 23, 1943
LOCAL SCHOOL SETS STATE RECORD: Four pupils of St. Thomas' school (above) display the "Minute Man" honor flag, which was presented to them by Reardon Peirsol, deputy administrator of the state War savings staff, in recognition of stamp sales efforts. A special campaign throughout the school netted $266 in two days and gave St. Thomas the distinction of being the only school in the state thus far to achieve a 100 per cent schoolwide record of purchase. From left to right are Daniel Neumaier, 10th grade, John McCarthy, 12th grade, Lucille Joly, eighth, and Janet Mason, fourth grade. The flag will be put up in each room of the school in the order of total sales achievements.