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Carpenter School Boy Scout Troop 29's Booth At Scout-O-Rama, April 1956

Carpenter School Boy Scout Troop 29's Booth At Scout-O-Rama, April 1956 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, April 26, 1956
SCOUT BOOTH TO FEATURE FISHING: Boy Scouts of Troop 29, Carpenter School, have taken the fishing merit badge as the theme for their booth at the Portage Trails Council's Scout-O-Rama Saturday night at Ann Arbor High School. Standing in rear are (left to right) Jerry Hartman, Jim Thomas and Wayne DeHate. Seated (left to right) are Ronnie Exelby, Phillip Marshall and Mike Lillie. Kneeling in foreground are Don Gibson (left) and Norm Briggs.