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Barbara Lou Sevebeck & Mary Cook, Brownies From Mack School, Become Girl Scouts, April 1948

Barbara Lou Sevebeck & Mary Cook, Brownies From Mack School, Become Girl Scouts, April 1948 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, April 30, 1948
Representative of the 21 Brownies who became Girl Scouts in "flying-up" ceremonies conducted last night by Troop No. 37 at Mack School, Barbara Lou Sevebeck, 9, left, and Mary Cook, also 9, receive scout badges from Mrs. Nelson Rathburn, troop-leader. To make the jump from Brownie to Girl Scout, a girl must pass certain home-making and out-of-door tests, learn Girl Scouting lore, and be at least in the fourth grade of school.