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Sesquicentennial Interview: Nan Sparrow

This interview was conducted in 1974 as part of the I Remember When television series produced by the Ann Arbor Public Library.

Scrap Drive: Angell School students deliver to junk yard, October 1942 Photographer: Eck Stanger

Scrap Drive: Angell School students deliver to junk yard, October 1942 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, October 8, 1942
UNLOADING AT THE JUNKYARD: After the scrap metal has been collected at the schools, it is transported to the junkyard -- in this case, the car of Miss Dorothy Buckley, principal of Angell school, does the transporting. Pictured above (left to right) at the work of unloading are Bill Stason, son of Dean and Mrs. E. Blythe Stason, 1719 Hermitage Rd.; Quentin Daly, son of Mr. and Mrs. George F. Daly, 517 Elm St.; and Bob Tibbals, son of Mr. and Mrs. Truman A. Tibbals, 2400 Vinewood Blvd.