Ground Breaking for Father Gabriel Richard Hall, St. Mary's Student Center, September 1952 Photographer: Attributed to Eck Stanger

Published In:
Ann Arbor News, September 3, 1952
Ground Broken For Chapel Rev. Frank J. McPhillips, pastor of St. Mary's Student Chapel, turns the soil in ground-breaking ceremonies for the $300,000 Catholic Student Center to be built next to the chapel on Thompson St. The ceremony was held yesterday afternoon. Looking on from left to right are Michael Gorman, editor of the Flint Journal and trustee of the Gabriel Richard Foundation, fund-raising group; Edmond DeVine, local treasurer of the group; Henry W. deKoning, contractor for the project; and Rev. Edward C. Burkhardt and Rev. Joseph B. Jacyna, assistant pastors.
Ann Arbor News, September 3, 1952
Ground Broken For Chapel Rev. Frank J. McPhillips, pastor of St. Mary's Student Chapel, turns the soil in ground-breaking ceremonies for the $300,000 Catholic Student Center to be built next to the chapel on Thompson St. The ceremony was held yesterday afternoon. Looking on from left to right are Michael Gorman, editor of the Flint Journal and trustee of the Gabriel Richard Foundation, fund-raising group; Edmond DeVine, local treasurer of the group; Henry W. deKoning, contractor for the project; and Rev. Edward C. Burkhardt and Rev. Joseph B. Jacyna, assistant pastors.
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Father Gabriel Richard Hall, St. Mary's Student Center Addition, October 1952 Photographer: Attributed to Eck Stanger

Published In:
Ann Arbor News, March 21, 1953
Also moving ahead with little time lost for unfavorable weather is the $300,000 Catholic student center (above) on Thompson St. adjacent to St. Mary's Student Chapel (far right) at Thompson and William Sts. It is expected that finishing work will be completed in May and the formal dedication held next fall. Priests may be able to move into second floor living quarters by the middle of April.
Ann Arbor News, March 21, 1953
Also moving ahead with little time lost for unfavorable weather is the $300,000 Catholic student center (above) on Thompson St. adjacent to St. Mary's Student Chapel (far right) at Thompson and William Sts. It is expected that finishing work will be completed in May and the formal dedication held next fall. Priests may be able to move into second floor living quarters by the middle of April.
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Archbishop Paul J. Hallinan Opens Chaplains' School at St. Mary's Parish, June 1962 Photographer: Eck Stanger

Published In:
Ann Arbor News, June 25, 1962
Open Chaplains' School: Most Rev. Paul J. Hallinan (third from left), archbishop of Atlanta, Ga., talks with faculty members of a chaplains' school for 32 young priests who will be assigned to care for Catholic students on secular campuses next fall. Classes are meeting in the Gabriel Richard Center of St. Mary's Student Chapel. Staff members of the school include (left to right), the Rev. John F. Bradley, pastor of St. Mary's Chapel, director; the Rev. George Garrelts, University of Minnesota Newman Club; and Prof. James C. O'Neill, chairman of the U-M Romance language department. Archbishop Hallinan who is episcopal moderator of the National Newman Federation, spoke at a breakfast yesterday at the center.
Ann Arbor News, June 25, 1962
Open Chaplains' School: Most Rev. Paul J. Hallinan (third from left), archbishop of Atlanta, Ga., talks with faculty members of a chaplains' school for 32 young priests who will be assigned to care for Catholic students on secular campuses next fall. Classes are meeting in the Gabriel Richard Center of St. Mary's Student Chapel. Staff members of the school include (left to right), the Rev. John F. Bradley, pastor of St. Mary's Chapel, director; the Rev. George Garrelts, University of Minnesota Newman Club; and Prof. James C. O'Neill, chairman of the U-M Romance language department. Archbishop Hallinan who is episcopal moderator of the National Newman Federation, spoke at a breakfast yesterday at the center.
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Archbishop John F. Dearden Visits St. Mary's and Installs Newman Club Officers, October 1961 Photographer: Eck Stanger

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Archbishop John F. Dearden Visits St. Mary's and Installs Newman Club Officers, October 1961 Photographer: Eck Stanger

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Archbishop John F. Dearden Visits St. Mary's and Installs Newman Club Officers, October 1961 Photographer: Eck Stanger

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Gabriel Richard Scholarship Winners, March 1961 Photographer: Eck Stanger

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St. Mary's Chapel Guild Book Sale, March 1958 Photographer: Doug Fulton

Published In:
Ann Arbor News, March 19, 1958
Prepare For Book Sale: Three members of St. Mary's Chapel Guild make preparations for a book sale to be held from 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Saturday in the Gabriel Richard Center, 331 Thompson St. Looking over the assortment of books are (left to right) Mrs. Richard Flinn, Mrs. Edward Stasheff and Mrs. Ralph Belknap.
Ann Arbor News, March 19, 1958
Prepare For Book Sale: Three members of St. Mary's Chapel Guild make preparations for a book sale to be held from 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Saturday in the Gabriel Richard Center, 331 Thompson St. Looking over the assortment of books are (left to right) Mrs. Richard Flinn, Mrs. Edward Stasheff and Mrs. Ralph Belknap.
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Cardinal Mooney Dedicates Catholic Student Center's Fr. Gabriel Richard Hall, November 1953 Photographer: Eck Stanger

Published In:
Ann Arbor News, November 23, 1953
Catholic Center Dedicated His Eminence, Edward Cardinal Mooney (center foreground with portfolio) of the Detroit archdiocese, officiated at dedication rites for the new Father Richard Center for Catholic students at the University yesterday. Shown (in foreground, left to right), are the Rev. John F. Bradley, assistant at St. Mary's Student Chapel here; the Rev. Frank J. McQuillan of St. Agnes Church, Detroit; Cardinal Mooney; and the Rev. Frank J. McPhillips, rector of St. Mary's Chapel. Visible, left to right, in background, are the Very Rev. Fr. Lyman A. Fenn, S.S., rector of St. John's Seminary at Plymouth; the Rev. Edgar Smothers, S.J.; the Rt. Rev. Msgr. Bernard Kearns, (behind Cardinal), vice-chancellor of the Detroit archdiocese; and the Rt. Rev. Msgr. E. J. Hickey. Both Msgr. Kearns and Fr. McQuillan were former assistants at St. Mary's.
Ann Arbor News, November 23, 1953
Catholic Center Dedicated His Eminence, Edward Cardinal Mooney (center foreground with portfolio) of the Detroit archdiocese, officiated at dedication rites for the new Father Richard Center for Catholic students at the University yesterday. Shown (in foreground, left to right), are the Rev. John F. Bradley, assistant at St. Mary's Student Chapel here; the Rev. Frank J. McQuillan of St. Agnes Church, Detroit; Cardinal Mooney; and the Rev. Frank J. McPhillips, rector of St. Mary's Chapel. Visible, left to right, in background, are the Very Rev. Fr. Lyman A. Fenn, S.S., rector of St. John's Seminary at Plymouth; the Rev. Edgar Smothers, S.J.; the Rt. Rev. Msgr. Bernard Kearns, (behind Cardinal), vice-chancellor of the Detroit archdiocese; and the Rt. Rev. Msgr. E. J. Hickey. Both Msgr. Kearns and Fr. McQuillan were former assistants at St. Mary's.
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Cardinal Mooney Dedicates Catholic Student Center's Fr. Gabriel Richard Hall, c. 1952 Photographer: Eck Stanger

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