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Hazel Jungquist Retires from Position as Angell School Principal, May 1969 Photographer: Cecil Lockard

Hazel Jungquist Retires from Position as Angell School Principal, May 1969 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, May 26, 1969
A Farewell to Miss Jungquist Miss Hazel Jungquist, retiring principal of Angell School, shows two of her students the pen-and-ink drawing presented to her yesterday at a reception sponsored by the Angell Parent-Teacher Association. The students are Ann Gilbert (left) and Beverly Morris. The drawing, done by local artist Milton Kemnitz, shows Eberbaugh, Jones and Perry schools in the upper half, Angell in the lower half. Miss Jungquist taught at the other three schools before coming to Angell in 1957. More than 300 persons attended the reception.
Graphic for events post


AACHM Oral History: Bill Henderson

William HendersonWilliam A. Henderson was born in 1943 in Ann Arbor to William and Viola Henderson. After graduating from Ann Arbor High School and Eastern Michigan University, Henderson enlisted in the Marine Corps and went through naval aviator training. He flew in 125 combat missions during the Vietnam War and was a forward air controller with the infantry. He advanced through the ranks and in 1996 became the first Black pilot to achieve the status of Major General in the Michigan Air National Guard. He was also Chief Pilot at General Motors. He and his wife Francine have two children, Justin and Nicole.

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