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Nancy Anthony Paints Toys For Christmas, November 1957

Nancy Anthony Paints Toys For Christmas, November 1957 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, November 13, 1957
SANTA'S HELPER: Mrs. Nancy Anthony, 114 E. Kingsley St., is busy these days painting and repairing toys to be distributed at the annual Christmas party sponsored by the Civics Club on Dec. 12 at the Dunbar Center. This is a yearly task for Mrs. Anthony, whose basement now is crammed with dolls, trucks, scooters and other repairable gifts for youngsters. Mrs. Anthony says she is still in need of more dolls and toy guns for this project.

Volunteers Gather To Wrap Christmas Presents For Needy Children, December 1970 Photographer: Cecil Lockard

Volunteers Gather To Wrap Christmas Presents For Needy Children, December 1970 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, December 14, 1970
Volunteers from the Bethel Toy Club, the Ann Arbor Police and the County Sheriff's Department, and Girl Scouts from the Huron Valley Council gathered at the home of Mrs. Nancy Anthony to wrap Christmas presents purchased with proceeds from the annual charity "Pig Bowl." The gifts were presented Sunday to needy children. Standing, from left to right, are Police Community Relations Lt. Kenneth B. Klinge, Mrs. Lucile Dokes, Lt. Robert C. Britton from the Sheriff's Department, Mrs. Anthony and Gladys Brown. Seated are Cathy Ponitz, left, from Girl Scout Troop 55, and Marilyn Herndron, Troop 118.

Bethel Toy Club Founder Succumbs

Bethel Toy Club Founder Succumbs image
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Anthony, Nannie B.

Anthony, Nannie B. image
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Accident Scene Of Parked Car Hit On N. Fourth Avenue, June 1947

Accident Scene Of Parked Car Hit On N. Fourth Avenue, June 1947 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, June 16, 1947
THREE CHILDREN HURT IN PARKED CAR: Kenneth, 3, and Herbert, 5 - sons of Dunbar Center director Douglas Williams - and Jackie Taylor, 7, of 114 E. Kingsley St., suffered minor cuts and bruises when the above car, in which they were sitting, was knocked through the plate-glass window of Sadie's Beauty Shop by another machine that went out of control in the 200 block of N. Fourth Ave. this morning. The other automobile, being driven the wrong way down the one-way street by Jack A. Predovich, 26, a disabled war veteran, hit two other vehicles and burst into flames after knocking down a gasoline pump at the Abbott Gasoline station, N. Fourth and Ann. The driver was only slightly injured.

Nancy B. Anthony Exchanges Tea for Toys in Preparation for the Ann Arbor Community Center to Host Bethel Toy Club's Annual Event, October 1967 Photographer: Duane Scheel

Nancy B. Anthony Exchanges Tea for Toys in Preparation for the Ann Arbor Community Center to Host Bethel Toy Club's Annual Event, October 1967 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, October 26, 1967
Lisa Scott (right), daughter of Mrs. Elaine Scott of Beakes Street, and Susan Anthony exchange a cup of tea for a toy from Susan's foster mother, Mrs. Nancy B. Anthony of East Kingsley Street. The scene will be re-created en masse Sunday when the Bethel Toy Club holds its annual Tea for Toys at the Ann Arbor Community Center from 4 to 6 p.m. Interested persons may contribute toys for distribution at a Christmas party on Dec. 19.