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Markham Pottery Burns

Markham Pottery Burns image
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Clarence Hanselman, Ann Arbor Fireman, November 1942 Photographer: Eck Stanger

Clarence Hanselman, Ann Arbor Fireman, November 1942 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, November 4, 1942
Clarence Hanselmann, driver of the Fire Chief's car, says: "I have always contributed to the Community Fund because I realized what splendid services the 12 agencies have rendered. I think the addition of the USO is a fine idea - we all ought to give more this year.

Fire At The American Auto Accessories Store - 123 West Huron Street, August 1956

Fire At The American Auto Accessories Store - 123 West Huron Street, August 1956 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, August 10, 1956
STORE BLAZE FOUGHT: Spectators and traffic were kept clear of the American Auto Accessories store at 123 W. Huron St. yesterday afternoon as firemen subdued a fire that damaged the interior of the front portion. Glass in the large front windows was a casualty. No definite damage estimate was available.

American Auto Accessories Store Interior Damaged By Fire, August 1956

American Auto Accessories Store Interior Damaged By Fire, August 1956 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, August 10, 1956
STOCK DAMAGED: Many outdoor sporting items were ruined or damaged by fire and water yesterday afternoon after fire broke out in the American Auto Accessories store at 123 W. Huron St. The fire was confined to the front portion of the store. This inside view of the damaged interior is toward the front of the store.

Loch Alpine Clubhouse Razed By Fire, May 1945 Photographer: Eck Stanger

Loch Alpine Clubhouse Razed By Fire, May 1945 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, May 12, 1945
The charred remains of the Loch Alpine Clubhouse off Huron River Drive west of Ann Arbor are shown above. Fire, which broke out in the building from an undetermined source shortly after 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon, destroyed the clubhouse before help could be summoned. The property is owned by Mrs. William Blakely, Los Angeles, Calif., and her son, Malcolm W. Blakely, now on duty in the Philippines. Both are former residents of Dexter.

Ideal Furnace Factory In Milan Swept By Night Fire, November 1940 Photographer: Eck Stanger

Ideal Furnace Factory In Milan Swept By Night Fire, November 1940 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, November 6, 1940
$100,000 FIRE SWEEPS THROUGH MILAN FACTORY: An early morning fire in the plant of the Ideal Furnace Co. at Milan destroyed a block long section of the factory today, causing damage estimated upwards of $100,000. Four fire departments fought the blaze for several hours, and the fire was checked at a fire wall separating the burning foundry from other sections of the plant.