Archbishop Paul J. Hallinan Opens Chaplains' School at St. Mary's Parish, June 1962 Photographer: Eck Stanger

Published In:
Ann Arbor News, June 25, 1962
Open Chaplains' School: Most Rev. Paul J. Hallinan (third from left), archbishop of Atlanta, Ga., talks with faculty members of a chaplains' school for 32 young priests who will be assigned to care for Catholic students on secular campuses next fall. Classes are meeting in the Gabriel Richard Center of St. Mary's Student Chapel. Staff members of the school include (left to right), the Rev. John F. Bradley, pastor of St. Mary's Chapel, director; the Rev. George Garrelts, University of Minnesota Newman Club; and Prof. James C. O'Neill, chairman of the U-M Romance language department. Archbishop Hallinan who is episcopal moderator of the National Newman Federation, spoke at a breakfast yesterday at the center.
Ann Arbor News, June 25, 1962
Open Chaplains' School: Most Rev. Paul J. Hallinan (third from left), archbishop of Atlanta, Ga., talks with faculty members of a chaplains' school for 32 young priests who will be assigned to care for Catholic students on secular campuses next fall. Classes are meeting in the Gabriel Richard Center of St. Mary's Student Chapel. Staff members of the school include (left to right), the Rev. John F. Bradley, pastor of St. Mary's Chapel, director; the Rev. George Garrelts, University of Minnesota Newman Club; and Prof. James C. O'Neill, chairman of the U-M Romance language department. Archbishop Hallinan who is episcopal moderator of the National Newman Federation, spoke at a breakfast yesterday at the center.
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