Temple Beth Emeth Sisterhood Wrapping Christmas Gifts, December 1980 Photographer: Cecil Lockard
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, December 23, 1980
AFTER CHANUKAH - The Jewish festival of Chanukah has ended but members of the Temple Beth Emeth Sisterhood are still busy, wrapping Christmas gifts for patients at Mott Children's Hospital. Lending a hand to their Christian neighbors are from left: Jane Bornstein, Susan Bornstein, Paula Cataffo, Matthew Cataffo, Marie Streusand and Andrea Bronson.
Ann Arbor News, December 23, 1980
AFTER CHANUKAH - The Jewish festival of Chanukah has ended but members of the Temple Beth Emeth Sisterhood are still busy, wrapping Christmas gifts for patients at Mott Children's Hospital. Lending a hand to their Christian neighbors are from left: Jane Bornstein, Susan Bornstein, Paula Cataffo, Matthew Cataffo, Marie Streusand and Andrea Bronson.
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Temple Beth Emeth Sisterhood Prepare Jewish Religious Display, March 1970 Photographer: Eck Stanger
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, April 5, 1970
Ecumenical Experience Three members of the Temple Beth Emeth Sisterhood prepare articles for a display which will accompany a program for the Church Women United. From left are Mrs. Ralph Rostow, Mrs. Bruce Warshal and Mrs. Bertram Dinman. Entitled "Understanding Judaism" the event will begin at 8:30 p.m. April 13 in the First Unitarian Church. Rabbi Bruce Warshal will present a brief explanation of Judaism's beliefs and answer questions. The women will then have dessert and view the holiday tables. Mrs. S. J. Elden and Mrs. Sheldon Stick are taking reservations.
Ann Arbor News, April 5, 1970
Ecumenical Experience Three members of the Temple Beth Emeth Sisterhood prepare articles for a display which will accompany a program for the Church Women United. From left are Mrs. Ralph Rostow, Mrs. Bruce Warshal and Mrs. Bertram Dinman. Entitled "Understanding Judaism" the event will begin at 8:30 p.m. April 13 in the First Unitarian Church. Rabbi Bruce Warshal will present a brief explanation of Judaism's beliefs and answer questions. The women will then have dessert and view the holiday tables. Mrs. S. J. Elden and Mrs. Sheldon Stick are taking reservations.
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