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Temple Beth Emeth Sisterhood Wrapping Christmas Gifts, December 1980 Photographer: Cecil Lockard

Temple Beth Emeth Sisterhood Wrapping Christmas Gifts, December 1980 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, December 23, 1980
AFTER CHANUKAH - The Jewish festival of Chanukah has ended but members of the Temple Beth Emeth Sisterhood are still busy, wrapping Christmas gifts for patients at Mott Children's Hospital. Lending a hand to their Christian neighbors are from left: Jane Bornstein, Susan Bornstein, Paula Cataffo, Matthew Cataffo, Marie Streusand and Andrea Bronson.

Temple Beth Emeth Sisterhood Prepare Jewish Religious Display, March 1970 Photographer: Eck Stanger

Temple Beth Emeth Sisterhood Prepare Jewish Religious Display,  March 1970 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, April 5, 1970
Ecumenical Experience Three members of the Temple Beth Emeth Sisterhood prepare articles for a display which will accompany a program for the Church Women United. From left are Mrs. Ralph Rostow, Mrs. Bruce Warshal and Mrs. Bertram Dinman. Entitled "Understanding Judaism" the event will begin at 8:30 p.m. April 13 in the First Unitarian Church. Rabbi Bruce Warshal will present a brief explanation of Judaism's beliefs and answer questions. The women will then have dessert and view the holiday tables. Mrs. S. J. Elden and Mrs. Sheldon Stick are taking reservations.