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Ann Arbor Garden Club Flower Show: Tri-Color Winning Exhibit Photographer: Doug Fulton

Ann Arbor Garden Club Flower Show: Tri-Color Winning Exhibit image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, September 22, 1962
COUNTY FAIR: Mrs. Lee Dare Young of the Ann Arbor Garden Club was the tri-color winner of the club's annual flower show, "County Fair," held yesterday at the Ann Arbor Community Center. Her exhibit, entitled "Space Modulator," was entered in the artistic design division. Area residents numbering 456 were entered in the three main divisions of the show. Fifteen accredited judges from all over the state presented the awards. Special awards went to Mrs. C. Merle Dixon for her "Pink Fairy Rose Bouquet" and to Charles W. Phillips for his educational exhibit of poisonous plants. A total of 87 awards were given in the Horticulture section, 100 for Artistic Design, eight for house plants, and 10 for vegetables.

Putting Up the Sign for Ann Arbor Garden Club's County Fair Photographer: Eck Stanger

Putting Up the Sign for Ann Arbor Garden Club's County Fair image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, September 20, 1962
IT'S A COUNTY FAIR! Mrs. Robert B. Voight, Mrs. Ralph Moore Berry and Mrs. Lee Dare Young (left to right) prop up poster exhibit for the Ann Arbor Garden Club's annual flower show. The event will be held from 2 to 9 p.m. tomorrow at the Ann Arbor Commodity Center, with judging beginning at 10:30 a.m. The public may enter exhibits in three divisions, horticulture, artistic design and the junior division, between 8 and 10 a.m. For further information on the 60 classifications open for entry, contact either Mrs. Young, the general chairman, at NO 2-0270, or Mrs. Henry S. Sicinski, NO 3-2588.

Dr. William Gracie's Garden to be Part of the Ann Arbor Garden Club Tour Photographer: Duane Scheel

Dr. William Gracie's Garden to be Part of the Ann Arbor Garden Club Tour image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, May 16, 1962
ON TOUR: The garden of Dr. and Mrs. William Gracie of 2441 Shannondale Rd. will be open for the spring tour of the Ann Arbor Garden Club Monday. Mrs. Ralph F. Johns (left), chairman of the tour, and Mrs. Lee Dare Young (center), Garden Club president, discuss the points of interest in the garden of Dr. Gracie (right), which was primarily planned for the Gracie children. It features a playhouse, six-inch wading pool, and in the background, a sand area housing swings, merry-go-round and slider. The gardens will be open from 1 to 5 p.m.

Wines School Garden Club Winners Told

Wines School Garden Club Winners Told image
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Ann Arbor Garden Club Elects Mrs. Hayward

Ann Arbor Garden Club Elects Mrs. Hayward image
Parent Issue
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