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Runners In The 440-Dash At The Five-A League High School Track Championship, May 1953 Photographer: Eck Stanger

Runners In The 440-Dash At The Five-A League High School Track Championship, May 1953 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, May 9, 1953
AROUND THE TURN AND AWAY THEY GO: Pioneer Bill Koch has victory in mind as the field rounds the first turn in the second section of the Five-A League 440-dash. From left to right are Battle Creek's Dick Donnell and Glenn Falcon, Jackson's Richard Hinkle, Sexton's Doug Huggett, Koch, and Eastern's Don Higel. The little flags help mark lanes for the runners who received a staggered start. Koch was the winner while Hinkle was second and Higel placed third.

City High Schools Begin Fall Sports

City High Schools Begin Fall Sports image
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Spectators In The Rain At Ann Arbor High vs Lansing Eastern Football Game, October 1965 Photographer: Duane Scheel

Spectators In The Rain At Ann Arbor High vs Lansing Eastern Football Game, October 1965 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, October 23, 1965
Wet weather sharply curtailed the crowd for last night's football game between Ann Arbor High and Lansing Eastern, but there still were an estimated 1,500 hardy fans on hand to watch the home team win 13-7 and continue its unbeaten streak. Umbrellas and rain gear set the style for the night. Officials said that with good weather, 4,000 to 5,000 persons would have attended the event.