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Gary Brown Tests Speakers At DCM Corporation, June 1985 Photographer: Larry E. Wright

Gary Brown Tests Speakers At DCM Corporation, June 1985 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, June 8, 1985
Gary Brown, a technical engineer, tests a Time Window speaker for quality and sound efficiency.
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There Went The Neighborhood - Studio Interview: Debby Mitchell Covington

Debby Mitchell Covington grew up in Ann Arbor near Summit Park (now Wheeler Park), and she attended Jones School in kindergarten and first grade. In 1965 when Jones School closed, she was bused to Dicken Elementary and she recalls feeling isolated in the majority-white school. 

This interview was filmed during the making of the documentary film There Went The Neighborhood: The Closing of Jones School, produced by the Ann Arbor District Library and 7 Cylinders Studio. More interviews are available in the There Went The Neighborhood Interview Archive.

Ann Arbor 200
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Black Women in the Workplace

In this video complied from dozens of interviews from the Living Oral History Project, Black women speak about their experiences working in Washtenaw County, including the various obstacles they had to face in hiring and on the job.

The Living Oral History Project is a partnership between the African American Cultural & Historical Museum of Washtenaw County and the Ann Arbor District Library, providing a permanent home for 50+ interviews with Black community members collected over the past decade.  The collection continues to grow with interviews added each year.

AATA Bus Driver Steve Copeland, April 1981 Photographer: Robert Chase

AATA Bus Driver Steve Copeland, April 1981 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, April 16, 1981
AATA driver Steve Copeland models the new uniforms alongside the new bus logo

Bus Driver Kim Moore Navigates AATA's Roadeo Course, June 1984 Photographer: Jim Jagdfeld

Bus Driver Kim Moore Navigates AATA's Roadeo Course, June 1984 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, June 25, 1984
Close Competition--Kim Moore, left (this photo), watches closely to be certain of staying inside a tightly marked serpentine course Sunday at the Ann Arbor Transportation Authority's Roadeo. A bus, below, is timed with radar by a sheriff's deputy to ensure that it keeps moving at least 20 miles an hour while skirting a line of barrels without striking any. The Roadeo's winner, with 570 of a possible 750 points, was Steve Raymond, secretary of the AATA employees' union. He will represent AATA at the American Public Transit Association's national roadeo in Washington next October. The winner of last year's AATA Roadeo, Charles Buck, scored a close second Sunday with 562 points. AATA Director Richard J. Simonetta said the course, in Washtenaw Community College's parking area, was set up precisely by national standards and was more difficult this year.

Willie Martin Makes Donuts, June 1963 Photographer: Doug Fulton

Willie Martin Makes Donuts, June 1963 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, June 26, 1963
Willie Martin steams over boiling grease