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Spectators Wait For The Washtenaw County Building Dedication Parade, October 1956

Spectators Wait For The Washtenaw County Building Dedication Parade, October 1956 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, October 1, 1956
WAITING FOR PARADERS: Waiting impatiently for yesterday's County Building dedication parade to pass is this group of people on an E. Huron St. corner. An estimated 5,000 persons lined the parade route. Other pictures of the parade and dedication are on page 32.

Sheriff Department's Mounted Unit Rides In The Washtenaw County Building Dedication Parade, October 1956

Sheriff Department's Mounted Unit Rides In The Washtenaw County Building Dedication Parade, October 1956 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, October 1, 1956
MOUNTED SHERIFF'S POSSE: Sheriff Erwin L. Klager's mounted posse, which was formed in June, rode yesterday in its first parade. Immediately after the parade, the posse was sent to Sylvan township to hunt for three escapers from prison. The escapers were not found. About 32 men are members of the group of which 28 were in the parade.

The Washtenaw County Building Dedication Parade, October 1956

The Washtenaw County Building Dedication Parade, October 1956 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, October 1, 1956
HERE THEY COME: Units in yesterday's parade swing down E. Huron St. to the new County Building under a sunny sky and in chilly temperatures.