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As sweet as honey on a summer night moon, it purrs with delight, like sugar on a spoon. It smiles with pleasure and dances with grace. It turns in circles for the magical race. It sings a song, so sickeningly sweet, it can make you feel that you are unique. You ride on it’s rainbow, laughing as it goes, until it settles on your shoulders like magical gold. It’s steps are light and fluffy, like luminous clouds, and it beckons and reckons, and it makes you feel proud. It will smile and twirl, like a flying bird. It will fly away with its wings, like a beautiful flower blooming in spring. Until you sleep and dream a dream, things aren’t as bad as they used to be! It shines like heaven, floating in the sky, and drifts down like a feather in a blink of an eye.




1.Even though you can not fly 

2.Don't kiss the world goodbye

3.Everything you see and hear 

4.Has come to the world in clear.


5.Everything you thought was gone 

6.Has come back in the dream of song

7.Flying in the air like songs everywhere.


8.That pat on the back

9.Is all you need to feel 

10.The dreams of the 

11.Breezy heel.


12.Hanging on to the

13.Wind of fright 

14.Is all you need to say 

15.Good night.


16.Flying like the wings of crow

17.The night time shores are

18.Soon to blow.


19.All you need to see and hear

20.Is the wind kissing your back

21.Like the elvish year.



They crash over me
again and again
pushing me down deep under
And I fight
but they’re endless

And it’s hopeless
the fight against my thoughts

I try to float above them all
but I can’t leave
And as each wave of self hatred
chokes me
with bitter salt
I curl into a ball
and just wait for it all to end
to go back to normal
but it doesn't
or it hasn’t


It’s a powerful world but careless, sad isn’t it?

 We all have power in ourselves  but we use it for bad. 

Use your power for good. 


Use your power to stand up for that quiet kid that gets bullied daily. 

Use your power to tell that girl that looks at herself in the mirror and calls herself fat.

Use your power to say to that girl that has puffy eyes that need to hear “You matter.”

Use your power to hug that kid that says he is fine from behind. 

Use your power to make that kid that stares off to space laugh. 

Use your power to help those people around you, society that needs lifting up. 

Use your power to lift yourself up, tell yourself you are strong. 


The world has people full of power. 


All have a talent. 

All matter. 

All important.

So don’t use your time to bring someone down


Use your power to bring someone up.



Flowers everywhere, lots of rain and the bees, trying to find some flowers. Puddles to stomp in, mud to have fun in.

Flowers to sniff when you just want to smell that lovely smell. That smell that you just love.

And bees, we all know that everyone hates bees.

So I’m not talking about them because there’s nothing to say about them.

That’s why everyone hates bees. Except for beekeepers!



stars sun moon 

my, my holy triptych i listen to soul music as i walk down the street where five young boys jump 


on top of a car smashing 

windows   then scattering


as  one calls out run


you can't just    call the police  


afraid of power, militarized  headlines i read i couldn't call because i  couldn’t attend a vigil 

i couldn’t  read a headline 

i was scared for them 


because our ordered society is 

it is scary 

we should shout louder 

so everyone knows generational pain  is 


cry please cry until tears come out of crevices never knew 



i didn't make that call 



i don't call anymore 

what if all my days
i just never called anyone 


let me warn you 

like I did those five 

it’s overdue   past time

to pull out sewing kits

mend  bloodstreams 

so in them runs education, recognition 


we can’t just take the best 

then feed our kids

the shit we leave behind  



White dress hugging your curves,

fluttering out at your hips,

blooming in my arms;

you are my Lily Nile.


With your tulle bridal veil,

cascading down your bust,

you are my Wadi El Rayan

flowing with so much grace,

 falling with strength and beauty. 


I long to kiss my Lily Nile,

but we must say our vows first,

as we stand at this alter, 

hand in hand, heart in heart.

 I fall for you even more.


On our wedding night,

I hold you in my arms and love you, 

rolling you up like a Papyrus scroll,

my beautiful Lily Nile.


Just like the river flows,

bringing the dry clay back to life,

nourishing the reeds with its water,

I long to lift your ka, your spirit,

to new heights of love and peace,

my beautiful Lily Nile. 


You are my Cleopatra,

and I am your Anthony,

who vows to always love you,

from life to tomb.



Falling Flowers


Many men dressed like flowers

Standing high on the devils hand

Watching sorrowful souls-both ally and foe

Dance and thrive upon treacherous battleground

Wondering who will be next

To join the others


Before a second passes

Fore what the mind can catch

The devil roars

As his pawns traverse

The hellish board of horrors


Casting thoughts far away

Like a soaring grenade

To escape such nightmares

Which stain their tomorrow


Come, come, sweet angels

And shower your graces

Upon these sad and wilted faces


Gently lead them away

From that wretched inferno

Riddled with death, dust and decay


If you walk up to a small little girl

Maybe four with a tiara on her curls

You might ask her a very common question

What will you be when you grow up


“A princess, a mermaid, or a unicorn” the girl beams

You laugh and smile at her childish dreams

The girl’s brother starts talking he’s around the same age

“I’m going to be a dinosaur, a pirate or movie star”


In five years when you approach her with the same question in mind

She now says “I will be a fashion designer or a model of any kind.”

Her brother who no longer plays with toy cars

Says he shall be a president or a famous doctor one day


Yet as life goes on and the children grow old

They have to be realistic and their dreams grow cold

They struggle to provide for their large family

Or tire out because hard work and kids are never organized


However, these dreams they had weren’t in vain

Even though these careers they did not gain

These ideas though powerless to us, were powerful to them

Seeing as these “silly” dreams kept those kids alive


Dreams are practice for life to come

But as we grow and change we alter some

So though some will not make it to the moon

The journey to space is what counts for dreams to come true



I still remember

the scared families 

who used our baths,

who ate our food,

who stayed for a while.


I still remember 

the move to the south; 

we packed our things,

we crammed our car,

we were in the car for a while.


I still remember 

the French police

who knocked on our door,

who questioned our silence,

who took papa for a while.


I still remember 

the American wheels;

we showed our smiles,

we enjoyed our freedom,

we cheered for a while.


They told me not to cry,

but the dead are underneath

and they surround the living.