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Camp Peachy Pre-Independence Day Parade Crossing Huron Street, July 2000 Photographer: Elli Gurfinkel

Camp Peachy Pre-Independence Day Parade Crossing Huron Street, July 2000 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, July 4, 2000
PRE-INDEPENDENCE DAY PARADE - Harriet Cobbs, left, director of Peach Tree Montessori Preschool in Ann Arbor, guards the crosswalk on West Huron Street during a pre-Independence Day parade she led on Monday morning. The school, which holds Camp Peachy during the summer, organized the parade for its 10 campers. In the wagon, from left, Anna Raschke, 2, Lily Robins, 4, Max Winston, 3. Pulling the wagon is parent Kelsey Hargesheimer with her daughter, Lesley Blackwell, 5.