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U-M Sculpture Class of Avard T. Fairbanks, April 1938 Photographer: Eck Stanger

U-M Sculpture Class of Avard T. Fairbanks, April 1938 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, April 28, 1938
PREPARING FOR SCULPTURE EXHIBITION OPENING MONDAY: The annual exhibition of work of students in sculpturing in the University Institute of fine arts will open Monday night and will be held in the concourse of the Michigan League through commencement week. Students and faculty of the department are busy modeling and casting their pieces. In the upper picture, Miss Rosemary Mowery (left) of 718 Monroe St. is putting finishing touches to her model, "The Acrobat," and Miss Alice Frayer of Cranbook is shown at the right with her figure of "Parzifal." In the lower picture Prof. Avard Fairbanks, associate professor of sculpture in the institute, is critically touching up his figure of "Snowboy," for which his son, David, was the model last winter.

Alice Frayer With Her Sculpture 'The Spirit Of The Snow', May 1939 Photographer: Eck Stanger

Alice Frayer With Her Sculpture 'The Spirit Of The Snow', May 1939 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, May 9, 1939
AT UNIVERSITY SCULPTURE EXHIBITION: The soft curve and gesture of the figure of "The Spirit of the Snow" make it one of the outstanding pieces of the sculpture exhibition in the Michigan League concourse. The study is shown above with the artist, Miss Alice Frayer of Riverview Dr., a senior student in the classes of Prof. Avard Fairbanks. Miss Frayer's work of which this is a worthy example, has won her a fellowship in the Philadelphia Academy of Art for next year.