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St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church Members Admire A Model Of Their New Building, September 2001 Photographer: Robert Chase

St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church Members Admire A Model Of Their New Building, September 2001 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, September 5, 2001
Chris Patselas, center, Pericles Chiatalas, left, and the Rev. John Paul look at a model of the new St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church to be built in Lodi Township. The new church will be about twice the size of the current building on North Main Street in Ann Arbor.

Shabbat Of Affirmation Of Human Dignity & Freedom At Temple Beth Emeth, March 1983 Photographer: Gregory Fox

Shabbat Of Affirmation Of Human Dignity & Freedom At Temple Beth Emeth, March 1983 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, March 19, 1983
AFFIRMATION - Rabbi Ralph D. Mecklenburger prepares to begin the Friday evening Shabbat service, a Shabbat of Affirmation of Human Dignity and Freedom, at Temple Beth Emeth in Ann Arbor. Many synagogues and churches are holding such services this weekend, to urge people to stay away from the neo-Nazi rally planned in the city Sunday. A neo-Nazi rally last year resulted in violence.

Kay Thunder, St. Paul's Lutheran School Teacher, Discusses Bible Study With Students, March 1965 Photographer: Duane Scheel

Kay Thunder, St. Paul's Lutheran School Teacher, Discusses Bible Study With Students, March 1965 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, March 23, 1965
Miss Kay Thunder, teacher of a combination first-second grade room at St. Paul's Lutheran Church Day School, points out the relation between a bulletin board display and their Bible study text to Sarah Firnhaber and Jessie Crosmer, two first graders. Religion is one of the regular subjects taught at the school.

Baptism of Anne Despina Sophocles, Daughter of Rev. S. M. Sophocles, July 1948 Photographer: Eck Stanger

Baptism of Anne Despina Sophocles, Daughter of Rev. S. M. Sophocles, July 1948 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, July 23, 1948
A Family Affair: It was "all in the family" yesterday afternoon at St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church when six-month-old Anne Despina Sophocles was christened in the colorful traditional rites of the family faith. Rev. Michael Sophocles (right) of Chester, Pa., the grandfather, officiated, while the father, Rev. S. M. Sophocles, who is shown tightly grasping his daughter, assisted. Holding the baptismal sheet and blanket ready to receive the infant, who was wholly immersed in the font, are the godparents, Mrs. John Farris of Ypsilanti, and Theodore Dames.