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Community Ensemble Theater (CET) - Extended Scene

An extended scene from  the feature-length documentary Welcome to Commie High from 7 Cylinders Studio, featuring Quinn Strassel, Clarence Collins III, Betsy King, Evelyn Collins, Chris Tabaczka & Sebastian Wreford.

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Class Registration Day at CHS 2016 - Extended Scene

An extended scene from  the feature-length documentary Welcome to Commie High from 7 Cylinders Studio, featuring Steve Coron, Judith DeWoskin, Kevin Davis, Marci Tuzinsky, Hannah Rubenstein, Terah Blakemore, Bob Galardi, Clarence Collins III, Danny Freiband.

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Clarence Collins III, Opening Day Speech for Community High School, 2016

Highlights from the address delivered by Clarence Collins III at the opening day of Community High School, September 6, 2016.  Produced in conjunction with the feature-length documentary Welcome to Commie High from 7 Cylinders Studio.