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Exterior Of The Galleria At Night, December 1992 Photographer: Colleen Fitzgerald

Exterior Of The Galleria At Night, December 1992 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, December 6, 1992
The University of Michigan campus hasn't exactly busted the doors down to shop at the Galleria since the three-level mall opened early in 1991. Now the mall faces foreclosure.

Fifth Graders Promote Their Bake Shop For The Mack School Carnival, March 1952

Fifth Graders Promote Their Bake Shop For The Mack School Carnival, March 1952 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, March 26, 1952
BAKERY BOOSTERS: Three Mack School fifth graders are hoping to boost sales at the Mack School Carnival Friday night with this poster, advertising their wares. The bake shop is named after their teacher, Miss Olive E. Taylor. The bakers are (left to right) Douglas Holcomb, Ken Tappe and Bobby Hoffmeyer. The shop is one of several concessions in the annual PTA-sponsored money-raising event. The carnival will begin at 6:30.

Dexter School Students Cross Ann Arbor Street With A New Traffic Signal, September 1950

Dexter School Students Cross Ann Arbor Street With A New Traffic Signal, September 1950 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, September 20, 1950
There is something new in traffic warning signals at a dangerous corner in front of the Dexter Agricultural Rural School and High School. A portable blinker light, activated by a large battery, gives approaching drivers warning that school children are crossing busy Ann Arbor St. Several of these blinker signs are trundled into place, four times daily, by youthful traffic "cops," under the direction of Jack Klingeberger, elementary school principal and director of traffic patrols.