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Helen A. Rice microfilms old documents on sheepskin discovered at the Courthouse, February 1955

Helen A. Rice microfilms old documents on sheepskin discovered at the Courthouse, February 1955 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, February 15, 1955
RECORDS ON SHEEPSKIN UNCOVERED: Mrs. Helen A. Rice of 907 W.Liberty St. is shown microfilming a 128-year-old land grant uncovered among old county records at the Courthouse. The grant, signed by President John Quincy Adams on Feb. 1, 1927, gave property in what is now Pittsfield township to James Aray. The document is one of more than 150 uncovered.

Freedom Train All-Veterans Parade Committee, August 1948

Freedom Train All-Veterans Parade Committee, August 1948 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, August 10, 1948
Planning Veterans Day Parade In Freedom Train Program - The committee formed to take charge of the Aug. 14 Veterans Day observance announced today a program featuring a parade with five bands and special ceremonies in in the Courthouse Square. Members of the committee, which met last night, are (left to right): Marion Darling, in charge of music for the parade; Roy Bird, transportation chairman; Thomas FitzGerald, general parade chairman; Admiral Laurence C. Leever, general chairman of the planning committee for Rededication Week Aug. 14 - 19; William Biedermann, co-chairman of Veterans Day; Lucille Stollsteimer, chairman of Veterans Day activities other than the parade; and Olin Tenny, in charge of parade floats.

Ypsilanti's John F. Barnhill Memorial Band Marches In Freedom Train Parade, August 1948

Ypsilanti's John F. Barnhill Memorial Band Marches In Freedom Train Parade, August 1948 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, August 17, 1948
The Shriek Of Trumpet, The Lilt of Bell: First musical unit in yesterdays evening's parade of civic organizations and fraternal groups from all over the county was Ypsilanti's John F. Barnhill Memorial Band, above. They led the Ypsilanti marchers and followed the special division in which Gov. Sigler, committeemen, and city and county officials rode. Chairman of the day was Judge Jay H. Payne. The parade wound up in a barbecue for marchers at Ferry Field and a talk by the governor.