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Sesquicentennial Interview: A. D. Moore

This interview was conducted in 1974 as part of the I Remember When television series produced by the Ann Arbor Public Library.

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AADL Talks To: John Hinchey, Longtime Calendar Editor for the Ann Arbor Observer

Photo of John Hinchey city at a white table with a microphone in front of him
John Hinchey


In this episode, AADL talks to John Hinchey. Since 1980, John has been a part of the Ann Arbor Observer. He spent two decades covering city hall and four decades editing the publication's events calendar. John tells us about how the city and its institutions have changed in his time chronicling it.

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AADL Talks To: Lou Belcher, 55th Mayor of Ann Arbor (1978-1985)

Ann Arbor Mayor Louis D. Belcher, December 1980
Ann Arbor Mayor Louis D. Belcher, December 1980

In this episode, AADL talks to Louis Belcher, mayor of Ann Arbor from 1978-1985. In addition to his four terms as mayor, Lou was also a city councilman and successful businessman. He recounts memorable stories from his time in office, including the unusual 1977 mayoral contest with former mayor Albert Wheeler; the time he took the RFD Boys to Germany for a sister city celebration; and the infamous Ann Arbor pigeon cull.

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Ann Arbor District Library's LGBTQ+ Walking Tour

Ann Arbor District Library's LGBTQ+ Walking Tour image

The Ann Arbor District Library’s LGBTQ+ Walking Tour documents historical locations important to the queer community, pulling from interviews with community members in podcasts like AADL’S Gayest Generation, LGBTQ+ Washtenaw oral histories, and other archival collections. We heard from community members about their favorite hangouts over the decades, including bars, bookstores, and sites of political advancement for LGBTQ+ rights. This tour walks you through important locations, some of which have changed over the years and may no longer exist.

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Black Women in the Workplace

In this video complied from dozens of interviews from the Living Oral History Project, Black women speak about their experiences working in Washtenaw County, including the various obstacles they had to face in hiring and on the job.

The Living Oral History Project is a partnership between the African American Cultural & Historical Museum of Washtenaw County and the Ann Arbor District Library, providing a permanent home for 50+ interviews with Black community members collected over the past decade.  The collection continues to grow with interviews added each year.

Mayor Al Wheeler Officiates City Hall Wedding, May 1975 Photographer: Cecil Lockard

Mayor Al Wheeler Officiates City Hall Wedding, May 1975 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, May 10, 1975
City Hall Wedding: The wedding party on the City Hall Plaza with Mayor Wheeler are, from left, bridesmaid Sharon Lewis of Warren, bride Cynthia Cooper, bridegroom William DuVall, best man John Planteroth of Mt. Pleasant, and Tom Warren of Ann Arbor.