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Reunion of 1962 Ann Arbor High Football State Champions, October 1987 Photographer: Jim Jagdfeld

Reunion of 1962 Ann Arbor High Football State Champions, October 1987 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, October 17, 1987
Members of the 1962 Ann Arbor High state championship football team at Friday night's reunion are: FRONT ROW (from left): Tom Morrow, Leroy Williams, Larry Lage, Chuck Wilkins, Harold Simons, John Albrecht, Captain Tom Rathman, Pat Clarke. SECOND ROW: Cindy Wild Helber (cheerleader), Lou Winkelhaus, Durant Bridges, Bill Bailey, Larry Clay, Rick Deanhofer, Coach Jay Stielstra. THIRD ROW: Ken Dyer, Van Batsakes, Pete Vlisides, Mike Juntenen, Bill Wood, Asst. Coach Chuck Ritter, Pat Koeller, Asst. Coach Gary Bryce, Asst. Coach Ed Klum, Chuck Hulce.