Kiwanis Club of Ann Arbor and Washtenaw County Farm Bureau Officials Observe Farm-City Week, December 1962 Photographer: Duane Scheel

Published In:
Ann Arbor News, December 5, 1962
Demonstrate Farm-City Interdependence: A striking display of the dependence of rural and urban areas upon each oher was provided on the stage of the main auditorium of Ann Arbor High School as prominent representatives of both economic sectors joined in singing "America" at the start of Farm-City Week observances sponsored jointly by the Ann Arbor Kiwanis Club and the Washtenaw County Farm Bureau. Raising their voices in song, above [this photo], are (left to right) Kiwanis Division 6 Lt. Gov-Elect John H. Thompson of Ann Arbor, Michigan Farm Bureau President Walter W. Wightman of Allegan, Chicago Federal Reserve District Director Allan B. Kline, Ann Arbor Kiwanis President Walter Kneer, Michigan ADA President and Master of Ceremonies Ernest Girbach of Saline, County Farm Bureau President Robert Tefft, and Ann Arbor Attorney Loren Campbell. Below, Wightman, Kline and Tefft discuss Kline's address on farm-city problems. Former president of the American Farm Bureau Federation, he was the main speaker for the event.
Ann Arbor News, December 5, 1962
Demonstrate Farm-City Interdependence: A striking display of the dependence of rural and urban areas upon each oher was provided on the stage of the main auditorium of Ann Arbor High School as prominent representatives of both economic sectors joined in singing "America" at the start of Farm-City Week observances sponsored jointly by the Ann Arbor Kiwanis Club and the Washtenaw County Farm Bureau. Raising their voices in song, above [this photo], are (left to right) Kiwanis Division 6 Lt. Gov-Elect John H. Thompson of Ann Arbor, Michigan Farm Bureau President Walter W. Wightman of Allegan, Chicago Federal Reserve District Director Allan B. Kline, Ann Arbor Kiwanis President Walter Kneer, Michigan ADA President and Master of Ceremonies Ernest Girbach of Saline, County Farm Bureau President Robert Tefft, and Ann Arbor Attorney Loren Campbell. Below, Wightman, Kline and Tefft discuss Kline's address on farm-city problems. Former president of the American Farm Bureau Federation, he was the main speaker for the event.
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Kiwanis Club of Ann Arbor and Washtenaw County Farm Bureau Discuss Farm-City Week, December 1962 Photographer: Duane Scheel

Published In:
Ann Arbor News, December 5, 1962
Demonstrate Farm-City Interdependence: A striking display of the dependence of rural and urban areas upon each oher was provided on the stage of the main auditorium of Ann Arbor High School as prominent representatives of both economic sectors joined in singing "America" at the start of Farm-City Week observances sponsored jointly by the Ann Arbor Kiwanis Club and the Washtenaw County Farm Bureau. Raising their voices in song, above, are (left to right) Kiwanis Division 6 Lt. Gov-Elect John H. Thompson of Ann Arbor, Michigan Farm Bureau President Walter W. Wightman of Allegan, Chicago Federal Reserve District Director Allan B. Kline, Ann Arbor Kiwanis President Walter Kneer, Michigan ADA President and Master of Ceremonies Ernest Girbach of Saline, County Farm Bureau President Robert Tefft, and Ann Arbor Attorney Loren Campbell. Below [this photo], Wightman, Kline and Tefft discuss Kline's address on farm-city problems. Former president of the American Farm Bureau Federation, he was the main speaker for the event.
Ann Arbor News, December 5, 1962
Demonstrate Farm-City Interdependence: A striking display of the dependence of rural and urban areas upon each oher was provided on the stage of the main auditorium of Ann Arbor High School as prominent representatives of both economic sectors joined in singing "America" at the start of Farm-City Week observances sponsored jointly by the Ann Arbor Kiwanis Club and the Washtenaw County Farm Bureau. Raising their voices in song, above, are (left to right) Kiwanis Division 6 Lt. Gov-Elect John H. Thompson of Ann Arbor, Michigan Farm Bureau President Walter W. Wightman of Allegan, Chicago Federal Reserve District Director Allan B. Kline, Ann Arbor Kiwanis President Walter Kneer, Michigan ADA President and Master of Ceremonies Ernest Girbach of Saline, County Farm Bureau President Robert Tefft, and Ann Arbor Attorney Loren Campbell. Below [this photo], Wightman, Kline and Tefft discuss Kline's address on farm-city problems. Former president of the American Farm Bureau Federation, he was the main speaker for the event.
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Demonstrate Farm-City Interdependence

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Tefft, Mrs. Bess H.

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Tefft, Robert F.

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