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The Greater Ypsilanti Kiwanis Club, presents Boy Scout Troop 92 with First Aid Kit, January 1960

The Greater Ypsilanti Kiwanis Club, presents Boy Scout Troop 92 with First Aid Kit, January 1960 image
Published In:
Ypsilanti Daily Press, January 14, 1960
THE GREATER Ypsilanti Kiwanis Club presented boy scout troop 92 with a complete first aid kit at the scout meeting Wednesday night. The presentation was made at the West Willow Elementary School by Harold F. Yates, chairman of the public affairs committee. Gail Wesch, scout patron leader, received the kit on behalf of the troop. Looking on are, from left, Cresham Haywood, patrol leader; Donald Held, scout master; Robert Ferrett, patron leader; and James Dunbar, first vice president of the Kiwanis Club.