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Pilgrim Knolls Subdivision - "The Priscilla" Model Home, May 1960

Pilgrim Knolls Subdivision - "The Priscilla" Model Home, May 1960 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, May 14, 1960
Has Air Conditioning: Air conditioning is included in the $14,990 price of this three-bedroom ranch house at the new Pilgrim Knolls Subdivision. It has a built-in oven and range in a kitchen-family room area.

Pilgrim Knolls Subdivision - "John Alden" Model Home, May 1960

Pilgrim Knolls Subdivision - "John Alden" Model Home, May 1960 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, May 14, 1960
Has Center Entry: The second type of house being offered in Pilgrim Knolls has a center entry which permits person to go into each room without going through another. Built-in range and oven and garage are included in $15,990 price. Both models are adjacent to Platt Rd. and Verle Ave., about one-half mile south of Packard Rd.

Newly Constructed Homes Along Verle Avenue In Pilgrim Knolls Subdivision, April 1961

Newly Constructed Homes Along Verle Avenue In Pilgrim Knolls Subdivision, April 1961 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, April 1, 1961
SOUTHWARD HO!: Setback of houses and wide streets add openness in the Pilgrim Knolls Subdivision just west of Platt Rd. at Verle on the city's far south side. It is a planned community of 105 houses, dozens of which have already been built. The subdivision has exhibit houses. Houses here are in the $14,990 to $16,000 range.