Meeting of the Ann Arbor Board of Education, October 1963 Photographer: Eck Stanger

Published In:
Ann Arbor News, October 5, 1963
SCHOOL BOARD IN SESSION: This is the 1963-64 edition of the Ann Arbor Board of Education. The nine-member board with members of the public school administration usually in attendance, (from left) Scott Westerman, assistant superintendent for instruction; Gerald Neff, assistant superintendent for finance; Prof. Stephen Withey, Hazen J. Schumacher, jr., Dr. Alexander Gotz, schools Supt. Jack Elzay, President Albert Coudron, Prof. N. Edd Miller, Lloyd T. Williams, jr., Lawrence Prakken, Dr. George Lowrey, James Crippen, Thad Carr, personnel director, and George Balas, business manager. The Board of Education meets weekly on Wednesday nights.
Ann Arbor News, October 5, 1963
SCHOOL BOARD IN SESSION: This is the 1963-64 edition of the Ann Arbor Board of Education. The nine-member board with members of the public school administration usually in attendance, (from left) Scott Westerman, assistant superintendent for instruction; Gerald Neff, assistant superintendent for finance; Prof. Stephen Withey, Hazen J. Schumacher, jr., Dr. Alexander Gotz, schools Supt. Jack Elzay, President Albert Coudron, Prof. N. Edd Miller, Lloyd T. Williams, jr., Lawrence Prakken, Dr. George Lowrey, James Crippen, Thad Carr, personnel director, and George Balas, business manager. The Board of Education meets weekly on Wednesday nights.
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