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There Went The Neighborhood: Old Neighborhood Walking Tour

This filmed walking tour was created during production of There Went The Neighborhood: The Closing of Jones School by the Ann Arbor District Library and 7 Cylinders Studio (7CS). Led by three former Jones School students–Roger Brown, Cheryl (Jewett) O’Neal, and Omer Jean (Dixon) Winborn–the tour describes changes that have taken place in the neighborhood surrounding the school over the past several decades. Key stops in order of appearance include the former Jones School, Ann Street Black Business District, Dunbar Center, Bethel AME Church, Wheeler Park, and Second Baptist Church.

The route (although filmed in a different order) was inspired by the Living Oral History Project’s Walking Tour of a Historically Black Neighborhood in Ann Arbor, which was created in partnership between the African American Cultural and Historical Museum of Washtenaw County (AACHM) and the Ann Arbor District Library. Check out that tour to view these locations in person alongside historical photographs and interview excerpts!

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Aerial Photograph of the Proposed Urban Renewal Area in North Central Ann Arbor, March 1956

Aerial Photograph of the Proposed Urban Renewal Area in North Central Ann Arbor, March 1956 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, March 22, 1956
Pictured in the News aerial photograph is the 75-acre area on Ann Arbor's north side which the city is considering as the site for a major redevelopment project. The solid white lines enclose the 48-acre tract originally proposed for redevelopment. The broke white lines enclose additional tracts added to the project by City Council action Monday. The extreme western portion of the area (left side of picture) is not shown. Major boundaries of the total 75-acre piece includes E. Ann St., N. Fourth Ave., Catherine St., N. Division St., Beakes St., Depot St., the Ann Arbor Railroad line, Felch St., N. Ashley St., Miller Ave. and N. Main St. Prominent in the foreground of the photo is the new Courthouse. First step in the proposed redevelopment program will be the city's application for a $38,000 federal planning loan. With the money it will be determined which structures with the area need to be demolished, which ones moved, what changes may be required in street routes and what other changes are necessary to redevelop the area. Total cost of the project has been estimated at more than $3,500,000.

E Ann St, 100 Block, Looking East, May 2, 2020 Photographer: Amy Cantu

E Ann St, 100 Block, Looking East, May 2, 2020 image