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2,000 gather outside a J. D. Miller's Cafeteria and Coffee Shop to hear debate on Communism versus Capitalism, April 27, 1950 Photographer: Maiteland Robert La Motte

2,000 gather outside a J. D. Miller's Cafeteria and Coffee Shop to hear debate on Communism versus Capitalism, April 27, 1950 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, April 28, 1950
2,000 TURN OUT FOR DEBATE: This is part of the crowd of more than 2,000 persons who gathered outside a State St. cafeteria last nigh in their attempts to hear an off-campus debate, Communism versus Capitalism, between Prof. Preston W. Slosson, and admitted Communist Dr. Herbert J. Phillips. Only 200 persons were able to hear the actual debate, however, because of a fire inspector's ruling limiting occupancy of the building to that number.