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Jack Wirth Examines His Model G Seeburg Nickelodeon, December 1959 Photographer: Doug Fulton

Jack Wirth Examines His Model G Seeburg Nickelodeon, December 1959 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, December 28, 1959
Jack Wirth, owner of Wirth's Canoe Livery at the foot of Longshore Dr., makes a hobby of collecting and repairing nickelodeons. Here he looks at parts of a Model G Seeburg machine he expects will take him a year to repair. The previous owner had used a variety of things, including a piece of a vacuum cleaner, in repairing the big machine. Wirth's looking at it.

Jack Wirth With His Old Nickelodeon, March 1959

Jack Wirth With His Old Nickelodeon, March 1959 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, March 3, 1959
THIS OLD NICKELODEON was the "juke Box" of its day. It has been all polished up to look like new, but its owner Jack Wirth