Ya'ssoo Greek Festival, 1974
This recording was conducted in 1974 as part of the I Remember When television series produced by the Ann Arbor Public Library.
Sesquicentennial Interview: Lela Duff
This interview was conducted in 1974 as part of the I Remember When television series produced by the Ann Arbor Public Library.
1974 Gemutlichkeit - German Festival
This recording was conducted in 1974 as part of the I Remember When television series produced by the Ann Arbor Public Library.
Ann Arbor High School, Class of 1924 - 50th Reunion
This recording was conducted on June 15, 1974, at Weber's Restaurant, as part of the I Remember When television series produced by the Ann Arbor Public Library.
Sesquicentennial Interview: John Hathaway
This interview was conducted in 1974 as part of the I Remember When television series produced by the Ann Arbor Public Library.
Sesquicentennial Interview: Ashley Clague and Frances Danforth
This interview was conducted in 1974 as part of the I Remember When television series produced by the Ann Arbor Public Library.
Sesquicentennial Interview: Guy Larcom
This interview was conducted in 1974 as part of the I Remember When television series produced by the Ann Arbor Public Library.
Sesquicentennial Interview: Osias Zwerdling
This interview was conducted in 1974 as part of the I Remember When television series produced by the Ann Arbor Public Library.
Sesquicentennial Interview: Fred Wahr
This interview was conducted in 1974 as part of the I Remember When television series produced by the Ann Arbor Public Library.
Sesquicentennial Interview: Neil Staebler
This interview was conducted in 1974 as part of the I Remember When television series produced by the Ann Arbor Public Library.