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Ann Arbor Wing Scouts Board A Plane At Willow Run Airport For A Trip To Niagara Falls, June 1950

Ann Arbor Wing Scouts Board A Plane At Willow Run Airport For A Trip To Niagara Falls, June 1950 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, June 3, 1950
GIRL SCOUTS ON FLIGHT TO NIAGARA FALLS: Ann Arbor's Wing Scout Troop of about 15 girls and adult chaperones are shown boarding a plane at Willow Run Airport this morning for a flying trip to Niagara Falls. The troop, known as Flight No. 1, will return to the city by plane tonight. They will be met on the Canadian side of the falls by a unit of Canadian Girl Guides who will lead a tour of the area. Mrs. James Korbein, left in front row, is the flight leader.