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Ann Arbor 200
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I Remember When (Bicentennial Remix)

In 2022, the staff of the AADL Archives discovered and had digitized a collection of interviews that had gone into the making of the library's I Remember When series of television programs for Ann Arbor's sesquicentennial in 1974*.  We all knew what the folks in 1974 had made from these interviews, but we thought it might be interesting to see what someone from 2024 would do with the same set of footage.  So we handed the whole lot to filmmaker Aaron Valdez, who combed through 17 hours of footage to create this 15-minute remix for the bicentennial.  Aaron explores the personalities of the interviewees, the stories they tell (complete with contradictions), and the mishaps they all left behind in creating this now 50-year-old work of local history.

*See Ann Arbor 200 release #169

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Sesquicentennial Interview: Ashley Clague and Frances Danforth

This interview was conducted in 1974 as part of the I Remember When television series produced by the Ann Arbor Public Library.

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Sesquicentennial Interview: Osias Zwerdling

This interview was conducted in 1974 as part of the I Remember When television series produced by the Ann Arbor Public Library.

Osias Zwerdling, supporting the Fifth Bond Drive, June 1944 Photographer: Eck Stanger

Osias Zwerdling, supporting the Fifth Bond Drive, June 1944 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, June 16, 1944
Osias Zwerdling has bought a $5,000 War Bond in the Fifth War Loan for his son Corporal Joseph Zwerdling, now in charge of a personnel office of the Army coastal guard. Joseph was formerly an assistant Michigan attorney general. Mr. Zwerdling makes this earnest War Bond appeal: "Every man, woman, and child has the responsibility of contributing to the success of the sale of War Bonds as one of the means of assuring victory for our armed forces. Let us buy more and more War Bonds, because buying them is the best investment in human values, in the future of our country. Let us remember and repeat the slogan of the present campaign 'Back the Attack, Buy More Than Before!' "We shall have a greater share in Victory by responding loyally and whole-heartedly to the Fifth War Loan appeal. Thus we show our faith, faith in ourselves, in our government, in our fighting men, and in the invasion."

75 Attend Dinner Honoring Hames

75 Attend Dinner Honoring Hames  image
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