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AADL Talks To: Francis Blouin, Former Director of the University of Michigan’s Bentley Historical Library

Francis Blouin
Francis Blouin

In this episode, AADL Talks To Francis Blouin. Francis joined the University of Michigan’s Bentley Historical Library in 1974 and was director for over 30 years. Francis shares his memories of working at the Bentley, some of the special acquisitions and projects he oversaw during his tenure, and he discusses the many transitions he witnessed in the archives field.

Francis is Professor Emeritus in the History Department at the University of Michigan.

Historical articles and photos about the Bentley Historical Library.

U-M picks new chief for Bentley

U-M picks new chief for Bentley  image
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AADL Talks To: Karen Jania, Washtenaw County Historical Society President

Karen Jania
Bentley Historical Library archivist Kathy Marquis (left) and Karen Jania (right), 1999

In this episode, Karen Jania, president of the Washtenaw County Historical Society (WCHS), discusses her career in archives and museums. In addition to discussing her work at the WCHS, Karen talks about her long career as head of reference at the Bentley Historical Library, including the many changes in archives work that she witnessed during her tenure, the colleagues who nurtured her through her career, and some of the Bentley's unique collections.

More information in AADL's collection on the Bentley Historical Library and the Washtenaw County Historical Society.