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Washtenaw County Be Kind to Animals Club Fundraiser, February 1950

Washtenaw County Be Kind to Animals Club Fundraiser, February 1950 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, February 8, 1950
BE KIND TO ANIMALS CLUB: For several busy weeks this group of Angell School pupils led by 12-year-old Kent Marquis of 304 Juniper Lane has been raising a "kitty" for distribution to underprivileged dog owners for use at the rabies vaccination clinic in Ann Arbor Friday at the Armory. Calling themselves the "Washtenaw County Be Kind to Animals Club," the boys and girls have nearly $50 to dole out with the Ann Arbor Humane Society acting as administrators for applicants. They are shown collecting papers at the home of Prosecutor Douglas K. Reading, 1609 S University Ave. Left to right are Gordon Burke of 1502 Geddes Ave., Virginia Haisley of 1204 Melrose Ave., Wendy Dobson of 1704 Baldwin Ct., Patty Wilkins of 3014 Brockman Blvd., Bill Kelly of 1130 Lincoln Ave., Kent Marquis, Ray Henry of 1047 Martin Pl., Allison Myers of 904 S. Forest Ave., Hope Forsythe of 1103 Ferdon Rd., and Jean Twining of 1601 Cambridge Ave.

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Members Of The Be Kind To Animals Club Visit The Humane Society And Its Officer, Herbert L. Gay, January 1952

Members Of The Be Kind To Animals Club Visit The Humane Society And Its Officer, Herbert L. Gay, January 1952 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, January 14, 1952
Rendering a real service to animals are these four members of the Washtenaw County Be Kind To Animals Club. Saturday they presented a $100 check to Herbert L. Gay (right), Humane Society officer, to help pay for the operating table and some of the equipment in the cabinet now installed in the animal shelter at 3113 Cherry Hill Rd. Gay and his assistant, Charles E. Wright, made the table from an old barber chair and a piece of stainless steel. Club members (standing left to right) are Kent Marquis, Wendy Dobson and Alison Myers. Hope Forsythe is seated on the table and holding a dog.