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Abbott Oil vs. Len's Buffet In Little League Baseball, July 1967 Photographer: Duane Scheel

Abbott Oil vs. Len's Buffet In Little League Baseball, July 1967 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, July 20, 1967
'Low Bridge' Larry Ritter of Abbott Oil had to hit the deck when pitcher Doug Kennedy fired an inside pitch in last night's game at Virginia Park. Making the catch in the webbing of his catcher's mitt is Len Lillard.

Len Lillard Crosses Home Plate After Hitting A Home Run In Little League Baseball, July 1967 Photographer: Duane Scheel

Len Lillard Crosses Home Plate After Hitting A Home Run In Little League Baseball, July 1967 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, July 20, 1967
Happiness! Happiness is hitting a home run and it's written all over the face of Len Lillard as he crosses the plate after walloping a four-bagger that helped Len's Buffet defeat Abbott Oil, 5-4, in an 11-Year American League game. While a teammate rushes up to throw his arms around the hitter, Abbott catcher Bob Aprill is a bit downcast.

Bob Lewis Catches The Ball In Little League Baseball, July 1967 Photographer: Duane Scheel

Bob Lewis Catches The Ball In Little League Baseball, July 1967 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, July 20, 1967
Put-Out! The ball almost got away from Abbott Oil's right-fielder, Bob Lewis, but he hung on to make the put-out.