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Lila Green and Children Make Hot Cheese Puffs, April 1961 Photographer: Eck Stanger

Lila Green and Children Make Hot Cheese Puffs, April 1961 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, April 13, 1961
Helping Mother: Everytime Mrs. Robert A. Green of DeVolson Ave. makes a batch of Hot Cheese Puffs, her three daughters insist upon helping. Pictured at the kitchen table creating their own version of their mother's specialty are (left to right) Carol, 5, Susan, 6, and Janet, 3.

Wines Elementary School student prepare projects for Ann Arbor Sesquicentennial, March 1974 Photographer: Robert Chase

Wines Elementary School student prepare projects for Ann Arbor Sesquicentennial, March 1974 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, March 25, 1974
Ann Arbor Time Line: Reginald Johnson, (from left), John Westphal, Noah Selzer and Mark Perry, fourth graders at Wines Elementary School, present a timeline of Ann Arbor history and a map of early Ann Arbor made by their class to Lila Green coordinator of Ann Arbor's sesquicentennial celebration.