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Edwards Bros Girls Softball Team, June 1938 Photographer: Eck Stanger

Edwards Bros Girls Softball Team, June 1938 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, June 23, 1938
OPEN TITLE DEFENSE: Edwards Brothers will open defense of their Girls' Softball league championship tomorrow night at Wines Field with Nelson Realty providing the opposition. The Edwards squad is shown above. Kneeling, left to right, are Ruth Carstens, Nadenna Schmidt, Helen Corman, Marjorie Rayment, Mildred Smith, Mary Pegan, Lucille Stierle and Helen Pegan. Standing are Manager Tommy Ingraham, Dorothy Pickard, Loretta Schlimmer, Evalyn Barnes, Esther Carstens, Grace Cooke, Doris Gibb, Ralph Fritz, and Ned Hickey. The little girl sitting in front of the team is Mascot Dorothy May Carstens. Gladys Steinke, another member of the squad, was absent when this picture was taken.

Helen Corman, Edwards Bros Girls Softball Team, June 1938 Photographer: Eck Stanger

Helen Corman, Edwards Bros Girls Softball Team, June 1938 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, June 23, 1938
THIRD-BASE STAR: Through her fine work in the championship series last summer, Helen Corman, third-baseman on the Edwards Brothers girls' softball team, stamped herself as one of the best players in the city. Miss Corman will be seen in action at Wines Field tomorrow night as Edwards opens its season against Nelson Realty.

Nelson Realty Girls Softball Team, July 1938 Photographer: Eck Stanger

Nelson Realty Girls Softball Team, July 1938 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, July 21, 1938
UPSET LEADERS: The biggest upset of the Girls' Softball league season was staged at Allmendinger Field Tuesday night when the Nelson Realty team, above, handed Pfeiffers their first defeat of the season. Nelson had previously dropped five straight games. In the front row, left to right, are Walter Lanning, bat boy, Lillian Palmer, manager, Virginia Staebler, Alice Reynolds, Frances Waterman, Virginia Reagle and Harold Lanning, bat boy. Kneeling are Virginia Hood, Florence Gray, Cora Lee Lanning, Catherine Reynolds, Doris Schlupe, Catherine Palmer, Florence Van Akkeren and Max Reynolds, coach.

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