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Dr. Russell C. Hussey Visits The Prehistoric Animal Display At Abbot Elementary School, March 1963 Photographer: Duane Scheel

Dr. Russell C. Hussey Visits The Prehistoric Animal Display At Abbot Elementary School, March 1963 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, March 15, 1963
DINOSAURS 'LIVE' AGAIN: Dr. Russell C. Hussey, professor emeritus of geology at the University, is visiting schools to lecture on prehistoric animals. Above, Dr. Hussey and (from left) Claudia Johnson, Alan Jordan and David Bonnewell, students at T. C. Abbot Elementary School, admire a display on prehistoric animals done by the students at the school in connection with Dr. Hussey's appearance there.

Confiscated Weapons On Display At The Washtenaw County Jail, August 1966 Photographer: Bill Treml

Confiscated Weapons On Display At The Washtenaw County Jail, August 1966 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, August 4, 1966
Sheriff's Capt. Harold Owings (left) and Deputy Jerry Russo look at two glass cases containing a variety of weapons confiscated by officers in criminal cases over the past two years. The collection includes brass knuckles, sawed-off shotguns, pistols, switch-blade knives, a straight razor and a tear gas "pen." The weapons are on daily display in the office area of the County Jail and are used in training sessions given recruit officers.