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Flint Southwestern High School Places First In 880-Yard Relay, Class A Track Championships At Ferry Field, May 1966 Photographer: Doug Fulton

Flint Southwestern High School Places First In 880-Yard Relay, Class A Track Championships At Ferry Field, May 1966 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, May 23, 1966
Kercheval Patterson (left), anchorman of the Ypsilanti High 880-yard relay team, strains for the tape during the weekend state Class A track championships at Ferry Field but was unable to overtake Flint Southwestern's Gary Bosh. Southwestern won the event in 1:30.3, a tenth of a second better than the Braves' effort, while the Ann Arbor High team of John Holt, Mike Sims, Fred Smith, and Ed Oxley (behind Patterson) was third in 1:30.8.