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Girls At Buhr Park Wait For Fireworks Show To Begin - July 4, 1975 Photographer: Cecil Lockard

Girls At Buhr Park Wait For Fireworks Show To Begin -  July 4, 1975 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, July 5, 1975
Her Overalls Stuffed With Beer, A Girl And Her Friend Wait For Ann Arbor Fireworks

Man With Chicken Drinking Beer At Ann Arbor Ethnic Fair, September 1975 Photographer: Cecil Lockard

Man With Chicken Drinking Beer At Ann Arbor Ethnic Fair, September 1975 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, September 13, 1975
An unidentified man gives his chicken a sip of beer at the Ethnic Fair Friday. The big mystery - why was this man carrying a chicken down Main Street? - remains unanswered. The two of them departed in a hurry as soon as News photographer Cecil Lockard snapped their picture.

St. Patrick's Day Party At The Ann Arbor Inn, March 1979 Photographer: Larry E. Wright

St. Patrick's Day Party At The Ann Arbor Inn, March 1979 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, March 17, 1979
"WHEN IRISH EYES are smiling..." Irish hands are apt to be holding a glass of something fermented, and perhaps even distilled. In the case of the three smiling Sons of Erin above, the liquid is green beer, and the occasion is a traditional party hosted by Tom Conlin and Bob Collins (left and center above), this year joined by Dr. Dave Middleton (right), a former Detroit Lions defensive back. The "St. Pat's Party" took place Friday at the Ann Arbor Inn. Erin Go Bragh! (Staff photo by Larry E. Wright)