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10 Fat Guys Named Elvis - Men's Softball Team, June 1989 Photographer: Colleen Fitzgerald

10 Fat Guys Named Elvis - Men's Softball Team, June 1989 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, June 29, 1989
10 Fat Guys Named Elvis surround the object of their inspiration. The teams's mascot is, of course, a hound dog.

Ann Arbor Recreation - Pie Eating Contest At Allen School, July 1972 Photographer: Cecil Lockard

Ann Arbor Recreation - Pie Eating Contest At Allen School, July 1972 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, July 29, 1972
Richard Ross sports a happy if sloppy grin as he learns he finished his pie in time to become co-winner of the Ann Arbor Recreation Department's pie eating contest Friday at Allen School. The other co-winner was Andy Cummins.