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AADL Talks To: Marcel Shobey and Ruth Natalie Kellogg about the Legacy of Musicians Armando and Norman Shobey, aka the Shobey Brothers

Marcel Shobey and Ruth Natalie Kellogg
Marcel Shobey and Ruth Natalie Kellogg

In this episode, AADL Talks To Marcel Shobey, joined by his mother, Ruth Natalie Kellogg. Marcel shares memories of growing up on Ashley Street on the Old West Side and he and his mother discuss some of the changes they've seen in Ann Arbor over the years. They also take a deep dive into the music career of the Shobey Brothers -- Marcel's father, Armando Shobey, and uncle, Norman Shobey. The Shobeys were hand percussionists discovered in the Bronx as children. They toured with Bobby Orton's Teen Aces and then went on to play in a variety of music ensembles of some renown both nationally and in several European countries for many years before settling in Ann Arbor at the invitation of musician Rick Burgess. Here they formed -- or joined -- a variety of music ensembles that played throughout the Midwest region. Their story is further documented in photos and flyers in the Marcel Shobey Collection.


Mothers & Their Pre-Kindergarten Children Visit Bach School, April 1947

Mothers & Their Pre-Kindergarten Children Visit Bach School, April 1947 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, April 2, 1947
VISIT KINDERGARTEN: Mrs. Ward Parr (left) and Mrs. Herbert Sager (right) are among the mothers of pre-kindergarten children who are taking advantage of the new program for pre-kindergarten children at Bach school. In previous years, all the mothers were invited to take their pre-school children to visit the kindergarten on the same day. This year, however, mothers and their children are being invited to come one at a time or in groups of two. In this way the children are given a more natural opportunity to become acquainted with kindergarten activities. The children in the picture are Carol Jean Parr and Mrs. Sager's twin sons, Dudley (left) and Douglas (right). The dog being admired by Carol Jean is called Bambi and belongs to Miss Blanche Robison, one of the kindergarten teachers. The other kindergarten teacher is Dorothy Campbell.

Demolition Of Old Sections Of Bach School, June 1957 Photographer: Eck Stanger

Demolition Of Old Sections Of Bach School, June 1957 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, June 28, 1957
WALL SMASHER: The walls of three "ancient" sections forming a wing of Bach School are being razed to make way for a new $234,804, eight-classroom addition onto Bach.