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Waldorf Salad With Onions

Waldorf Salad With Onions image

Two cups of apples, 3/4 cup dates, 2 cups celery, 1 onion, 1 cup English walnut meats. Cut apples, dates, celery and nuts into small pieces and chop the onion very fine. Cover with salad dressing and mix lightly with fork. Serve as soon as possible after mixing.

Golden Ball Salad

Golden Ball Salad image

Little balls of cottage cheese, moistened with cream and rolled in grated cheese. Place in cup-shaped lettuce leaves. Serve with French dressing.

Fruit Salad

Fruit Salad image

Four egg yolks, beaten; juice of 1 lemon, 1/4 teaspoonful dry mustard. Cook in double boiler till thick. It will get lumpy but will work out when cold. When cold add a little at a time 1 pint of cream, well whipped. Pour it over the following and mix and allow to stand over night in cold; 1 large can pineapple, cut in pieces; 1 pound white grapes, seeded; 1/4 pound marshmallows. Before serving add walnut meats. Without mustard it makes a nice dessert.

Fruit Salad

Fruit Salad image

One cup Malaga grapes, 1 cup pineapple, 1 cup chopped English walnuts, 1 cup sliced tart apples, 1/2 cup seeded raisins, 1 orange, cut fine. Beat together 1 teaspoonful of cream, 2 eggs, 3 teaspoonfuls lemon juice, a pinch of salt. Cook in double boiler. When cooled add 1/2 pint whipped cream. Stir in fruit and serve on lettuce leaves.

George Washington Salad

George Washington Salad image

Place small slice of pineapple on a lettuce leaf. Make a filing of chopped dates and pecans mixed with whipped cream. Place small spoonful of filling in center of pineapple and lay half of a Bartlett pear, upside down, over this. Make 2 eyes with cloves and a nose by laying a clove lengthwise, large end down. Cut a small opening for the mouth and carefully place into this slip a tiny strip of pimento for the lips. Then make a fluffy wig of whipped cream.


Salad image

Two cups chopped cabbage, 1 cup chopped celery, 1/2 cup chopped walnut meats. Mix all together and season with salt and pepper. Add boiled dressing and garnish with red pimentoes to look pretty. This will serve 8 very nicely.

Cabbage and Pineapple Salad

Cabbage and Pineapple Salad image

Shred cabbage very fine; cut pineapple in small pieces; put in layers of cabbage and pineapple. Cover with juice of pineapple and let stand 1/2 hour or so. Drain; add whipped cream. Serve on crisp lettuce. Salad dressing may be added to cream if preferred.


Salad image

Cut cold boiled beets in cubes; add twice this measure of cold boiled potatoes, 1-3 measure chopped English walnuts.

Dressing: 1 cup sour cream; add 1 egg, slightly beaten; 1/4 cup vinegar, 2 teaspoonfuls salt, 2 teaspoonfuls sugar, 1 teaspoonful mustard, 1/8 teaspoonful pepper. Cook in double boiler. Throw this over top of ingredients.

Indian Salad

Indian Salad image

Allow a small amount of lemon jelly to harden in individual molds, then fill with the following mixture: One-half cocoanut grated, 2 apples cored and chopped, 2 cups celery chopped, 3 pimentoes, 1 tablespoonful grated onion, 1-3 teaspoonful salt. Cover with liquid lemon jelly, and when hardened, unmold and sprinkle with some of the grated cocoanut. Serve on lettuce leaves with mayonnaise dressing. Garnish with pieces of bright red pepper.

Tomato Salad

Tomato Salad image

Make tomato jelly mixture. Wash, scrape and cut celery stalks in thin slices crosswise; there should be one cup. Peel and core 2 large apples, cut in slices and in small pieces. Chop 1 cup walnut meats. Mix celery, apple and nut meats, and moisten with mayonnaise dressing. Put 1 tablespoonful tomato jelly mixture in each individual mold. Then add celery, apples and nuts and cover with the tomato jelly. Chill, turn from molds and garnish with watercress.