John Max & Pheasant Chicks Born In Incubator, June 1964 Photographer: Paul Warner
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Ann Arbor News, June 6, 1964
'IS THAT OUR MOMMY?' These four pheasant chicks lost their mother some time ago, but they've found a good stand-in in John M. Max, manager of Ypsilanti's Utilities Department. Workers at the Ypsilanti water filtration plant found six pheasant eggs in a nest next to the plant. The hen pheasant apparently had abandoned the nest, and the eggs were brought into the plant and incubated in a heated cabinet used for incubating bacteria in water samples. Four of the eggs hatched May 28.
Ann Arbor News, June 6, 1964
'IS THAT OUR MOMMY?' These four pheasant chicks lost their mother some time ago, but they've found a good stand-in in John M. Max, manager of Ypsilanti's Utilities Department. Workers at the Ypsilanti water filtration plant found six pheasant eggs in a nest next to the plant. The hen pheasant apparently had abandoned the nest, and the eggs were brought into the plant and incubated in a heated cabinet used for incubating bacteria in water samples. Four of the eggs hatched May 28.
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Smiling Rhinoceros At Clinton II
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Papier-Mache Rhinoceros At Clinton II Elementary School For African Day, March 1973 Photographer: Jack Stubbs
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Ann Arbor News, March 29, 1973
A smiling rhinoceros intrigues students at Clinton II Elementary School. Examining the papier-mache animal are from left: Greg Pearson, Denise Johnson, Adrian Hill, Randy Cross and Shawn Travis. In addition to the rhinoceros, Ruth Byrn's first-grade class made a zebra and giraffe as part of the school's African Day. Principal Haywood Richardson said the African Day celebration this week included students playing and singing African music, booths showing the types of crafts and art done in Africa and a drama depicting slave trading.
Ann Arbor News, March 29, 1973
A smiling rhinoceros intrigues students at Clinton II Elementary School. Examining the papier-mache animal are from left: Greg Pearson, Denise Johnson, Adrian Hill, Randy Cross and Shawn Travis. In addition to the rhinoceros, Ruth Byrn's first-grade class made a zebra and giraffe as part of the school's African Day. Principal Haywood Richardson said the African Day celebration this week included students playing and singing African music, booths showing the types of crafts and art done in Africa and a drama depicting slave trading.
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Albert and Susan Steigerwalt With Pet Garter Snakes, August 1960 Photographer: Duane Scheel
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, August 13, 1960
CHILDREN RAISE SNAKES: Seven-year-old Albert Steigerwalt (left) watches two of 17 baby garter snakes born Wednesday at his home, while his sister, Susan, 8, holds their mother. The four-day-old snakes are the first born in captivity to any of the 28 pet adult snakes the children keep in a cage in their back yard at 1102 S. Forest Ave.
Ann Arbor News, August 13, 1960
CHILDREN RAISE SNAKES: Seven-year-old Albert Steigerwalt (left) watches two of 17 baby garter snakes born Wednesday at his home, while his sister, Susan, 8, holds their mother. The four-day-old snakes are the first born in captivity to any of the 28 pet adult snakes the children keep in a cage in their back yard at 1102 S. Forest Ave.
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Albert and Susan Steigerwalt With Pet Garter Snakes, August 1960 Photographer: Duane Scheel
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Ann Arbor Record Show, January 1997 Photographer: William Jordan
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Ann Arbor News, January 19, 1997
An elk head watches over the crowds that jammed the Ann Arbor Record Show held Saturday at the Elks lodge on Eisenhower Parkway in Ann Arbor.
Ann Arbor News, January 19, 1997
An elk head watches over the crowds that jammed the Ann Arbor Record Show held Saturday at the Elks lodge on Eisenhower Parkway in Ann Arbor.
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Suzzy The Squirrel & Friends At Forsythe Junior High School, November 1962 Photographer: Duane Scheel
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, November 16, 1962
'SUZZY' AND FRIENDS: A fox squirrel befriended by students in the biology and science classes at Forsythe Junior High School has in turn repaid the compliment by becoming their mascot. "Suzzy," discovered with his leg in a splint by two Forsythe students, is shown receiving attention from (from left) Richard Palmer, student teacher; John Iverson, eighth grade science student, and Tom Colvin, ninth grade biology student. "Suzzy" not only likes to be fed nuts, but he likes the students to crack them for him. Students removed the splint, the source of which has not been determined.
Ann Arbor News, November 16, 1962
'SUZZY' AND FRIENDS: A fox squirrel befriended by students in the biology and science classes at Forsythe Junior High School has in turn repaid the compliment by becoming their mascot. "Suzzy," discovered with his leg in a splint by two Forsythe students, is shown receiving attention from (from left) Richard Palmer, student teacher; John Iverson, eighth grade science student, and Tom Colvin, ninth grade biology student. "Suzzy" not only likes to be fed nuts, but he likes the students to crack them for him. Students removed the splint, the source of which has not been determined.
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Suzzy The Squirrel & Friends At Forsythe Junior High School, November 1962 Photographer: Duane Scheel
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'Suzzy' and Friends
Parent Issue
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Snowy Ducks in the Huron River at Island Park, 1984 Photographer: Robert Chase
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Ann Arbor News, January 20, 1984
Frost-covered ducks shivering in the Huron River look like they've had enough of record-breaking cold.
Ann Arbor News, January 20, 1984
Frost-covered ducks shivering in the Huron River look like they've had enough of record-breaking cold.
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