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1 tsp. light soy sauce
1 medium onion (sliced diagonally)
1 tsp. sherry
1 tsp. sugar
1/2 lb. flank steak (cut in 2 inch lengths)
1/4 tsp. MSG
1 T. hoisin sauce
1 tsp. salt
1 tsp. dark soy sauce
1 1/2 c. celery
1 t. corn starch (sliced; diagonal cut)
Dash of pepper
1 medium green pepper (julienned)
1/2 tsp. prepared mustard
3/4 c. bambo. shoots (julienned)
1/4 c. cold water
6 to 8 water chestnuts (sliced)
2 t. oil
3/4 c. beef stock

1. Combine light soy sauce, sherry and sugar.
2. Combine MSG, hoisin sauce, dark soy sauce, corn starch, pepper and mustard with water.
3. Heat oil in skillet over high flame.
4. Add onions, stir-fry a few seconds, add meat; stir-fry until redness disappears. Add salt.
5. Add remaining vegetables, stir-fry thoroughly.
6. Mix in the sherry, sugar, soy sauce; add beef stock, stir thoroughly. Cover and cook 3 minutes.
7. Add remaining ingredients (hoisin, corn starch combination) and mix until gravy thickens.


Parent ID

1 bunch broccoli (cut in 2 inch lengths)
1/2 tsp. salt
1 tsp. soy sauce
2 t. oil
2 tsp. sugar
1 clove garlic (crushed)
1 c. beef stock
1 medium onion (sliced)
1 t. corn starch
1/2 t. 3/4 lb. flank or sirloin steak (cut in 2 inch lengths)
1/4 c. cold water
3 t. oyster sauce

1. Blanch cut broccoli in boiling water for 3 minutes. Drain.
2. Heat oil in skillet on high flame; add garlic and onion, stir 1 minute.
3. Add steak; stir-fry until redness is gone. Add salt.
4. Add broccoli, stir-fry thoroughly.
5. Add soy sauce, sugar, beef broth, mix. Cover and lower flame to medium and cook 3 to 5 minutes.
6. Remove cover, return flame to high. Thicken gravy with corn
starch dissolved in water. Season with oyster sauce.


Parent ID

1 1/2 lb. boneless chuck
1 whole star anise (may be omitted, but this gives the distinctive flavor)
4 slices ginger root
2 scallions (cut in 2 inch pieces)
6 t. sherry
3 t. oil (peanut, corn or vegetable oil; not olive oil or butter)
4 t. dark soy sauce
1 t. corn starch (dissolved in 1/4 c. cold water)

Cut beef into 1 inch cubes. Heat oil in 2 quart saucepan with ginger and scallion pieces. Add beef and sear on all sides. DO NOT BROWN. Add remaining ingredients except corn starch mixture; mix well. Add 1 c. cold water, bring to a boil. Lower heat, cover pan and continue cooking about 50 minutes, stirring occasionally. Remove cover, increase heat; stir in corn starch mixture until sauce is slightly thickened. Serve hot with rice, of course!

Several years ago Virginia conducted a marvelous series of lesson on Chinese cooking for us. It benefited greatly both the Development Fund of Wellesley College and all those who attended. Virginia has kindly given her permission to print any of the recipes used. You will find quite a few scattered through this book. Thank you, Virginia!



Two very young rabbits, not nearly half grown; one and one half pints of milk, one blade of mace, one dessertspoonful of flour, a little salt and cayenne. Mix the flour very smoothly with four tablespoonfuls of the milk, and when this is well mixed, add the remainder. Cut up the rabbits into joints, put them into a stew-pan with the milk and other ingredients, and simmer them very gently until quite tender. Stir the contents from time to time, to keep the milk smooth and prevent it from burning. Half an hour will be sufficient for the cooking of this dish.



Cut a piece of tender steak 1/2 inch thick. Lay on meat board, and with sharp knife scrape off the soft part until there is nothing left but the tough, stringy fibers. Season the pulp with salt and pepper, make into little flat round cakes 1/2 inch thick and broil 2 minutes. Serve on rounds of buttered toast.



Four lbs. of beef
2 lbs. of suet

Let the meat, when boiled tender, remain in the water till cold. Chop the meat and suet fine, using the same quantity of apples as meat. 1 lb. of raisins, 1/2 lb. of currants, 1/2 lb. citron, cut fine, 2 tablespoonfuls cinnamon, 1 tablespoonful allspice, 1 teaspoon cloves, 1 nutmeg, 2 lbs. sugar, 1 pt. molasses, sweet cider to moisten. To keep well this should be scalded.

Show You Sauce (Oriental)

Show You Sauce (Oriental) image

Boil meat for 10 minutes in a little water. Add vegetables and season with salt and "show you" to taste. Cook all for a few minutes and drain, using liquid for gravy. Cool ingredients and add eggs and teaspoonful of corn starch. Fry as pancakes. Thicken gravy and add a little molasses (if like) and Show You.

Mock Roast Pork

Mock Roast Pork image

Brown lean pork chops, then roll in egg and dust with cracker crumbs. Brown again in same pan for a few minutes. Season. Half cover with water; cover tightly, and bake in oven for an hour.

Mexican Steak

Mexican Steak image

Round steak about 2 inches thick. Pound full of flour and seasoning. Brown on both sides in frying pan. Cover with tomatoes, green peppers and onions, chopped fine. Bake in slow oven until done.



Dressing: One onion minced fine, 1 large sour apple cut in medium sized pieces, stale bread crumbs, with small cup of butter thoroughly mixed with bread crumbs, salt and pepper. Rub inside of fowl with lemon juice before adding dressing. Roast in quick oven until tender. If there is an excess of oil pour some off before making brown gravy. Serve with baked apples.