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University of Michigan Sesquicentennial Billboard, March 1967 Photographer: Doug Fulton

University of Michigan Sesquicentennial Billboard, March 1967 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, March 28, 1967
Care is being taken to make sure that visitors attending the University's 150-year Sesquicentennial celebration are welcomed to Ann Arbor. Standing in front of the first of nine billboards to be put up throughout the city are Daniel H. Schurz (left), chairman of the City Commission for the University Sesquicentennial, and Govert W. van den Bosch, chairman of its public relations committee.

The U-M Sesquicentennial Birthday Gala At The Union Ballroom, August 28, 1967 Photographer: Doug Fulton

The U-M Sesquicentennial Birthday Gala At The Union Ballroom, August 28, 1967 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, August 18, 1967
Guests at the U-M birthday celebration dinner-dance mix and mingle as they arrive at the Union ballroom for the gala affair. At the speaker's table in the background, Mrs. Thomas Conlin (left) speaks with University President and Mrs. Harlan Hatcher, while Mr. Conlin, publicity chairman for the celebration, discusses some last-minute details with Daniel Shurz, chairman of the City Sesquicentennial Committee which sponsored the occasion. To their right Mayor and Mrs. Wendell E. Hulcher chat with Mrs. Gail Rector, whose husband was in charge of the program.

Tom & Elyse Harmon Are Greeted By Mr. & Mrs. Hatcher & Mr. & Mrs. Hulcher At The U-M Sesquicentennial Birthday Gala At The Union Ballroom, August 28, 1967 Photographer: Doug Fulton

Tom & Elyse Harmon Are Greeted By Mr. & Mrs. Hatcher & Mr. & Mrs. Hulcher At The U-M Sesquicentennial Birthday Gala At The Union Ballroom, August 28, 1967 image
Published In:
Ann Arbor News, August 18, 1967
Greeting Tom Harmon and his wife, Elyse, (center) as they arrived at the Union ballroom for the dinner-dance were (from left) Mrs. Hulcher, President Hatcher, Mrs. Hatcher and Mayor Hulcher. The Mayor later presented keys to the city to the Harmons and the retiring University president and his wife. Harmon, Michigan All-America in 1939 and 1940, spoke during the program following dinner and performed in three films of his famous touchdown runs for the Maize and Blue. A slide presentation, " The University and Ann Arbor through the Years," depicted the close relationship between "town and gown" since the University's founding on August 26, 1817.

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